Unique Big Dog Collars For Fashion And Purpose


Big dog collars serve both style and function. Every dog needs a collar, but unique dog collars make a stylish statement that reflects the personality of both the dog and the owner. You can get unique dog collars that support your favorite team, or big dog collars that make your dog badder than Samuel Jackson in a Pulp Fiction supportive role. The choice is yours. Consider these tips for selecting the perfect collar for your pooch.

Pet Odor And Hair-The Only Solution For Both


If you've ever visited someone whose house smelled of pet odor, you know that the first whiff of air you smelled made an impression that you still remember. And if you took off the clothes you wore and found hair all over them, you probably made up your mind not to visit again. If you are a pet lover and your home has pet odor and hair issues, here's a solution that will work.

The German Shepherd Dog Breed History


Despite the conventional presumption that the German Shepherd dog breed is related in some way to the wolf, this breed is no more related to the wolf than any other dog breed. This breed is the result of a deliberate attempt to produce the absolute shepherd. This is due to the creation in 1899, of an association dedicated to overseeing the breeding of the German Shepherd dog; the Verein fur Deutsche Scharferhunde, which became known around the world as the SV (German Sheepdog Society).

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