Major capital how to care for cats is patience

may have a lot of people know that whatever work we do. There is one important thing that we must have patience, As great as it is not there anything you gunakanya if you are impatient.

so it is with how to care for cats. Anything as detailed as you know about cats. That does not mean anything if you never had the patience.

Of course there are some properties of cat that makes us happy and make us angry. Cats are living beings like us. So rather than that he needs the love and affection. Well how good criteria in menyangi cat patiently.

* Do not be angry if the cats defecate sembaranagan. Provide a place where there was sand. your cat get used to dispose of there
* Do not be upset if your cat's claws are everywhere. It's not uncommon to show his territory.
* Provide a place to eat and drink the place is always the same. so the cats know where he will makan.Bahkan if I have to make sure the time eating and drinking is always the same every day.
* Always care feathers
* Do not forget to memomtong nails. yag 2 weeks
* And do not forget're always learning. because the development of science is so rapid

And remember if you do not have patience do not expect to be able to do the things above. when things like that was the most important thing that will make your cat happy with.

Patience and patience. Do not forget the patience to read this blog. he he he he

Oh yes maih remember that the cat who loved meat, delicious food enthusiasts. Do not forget you also have to wait to reach into your pocket to buy food. Why because if not given food might not die.

Camkap this if you are a true catlover. Even though every day I eat tempe ... the cat should not eat tempe should eat meat. Should be the most delicious food. I will buy high-priced cat food in her so happy.
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The characteristics of sick cats

As great as, we are caring for a cat is definitely something that makes our cats eventually fall ill. Although we could only minimize but sometimes cats are still cats exposed to the disease.

One of the main points in the care of a cat is to know when they are sick. By looking at the signs of sick cats. The signs are the same for anything like a cat persian cat, Angora cat or other cats and is also equally good was a young kitten or older cat.

Tips-Tips Sending Animals

If you want to send the animal out of the city (domestic) there are some things you should consider, whether you are a buyer, animal shipping service provider, vendor or you just want to send your pet, then you can follow the steps below.
Dog HealthCondition your dog to be in good health, not pregnant, sick, or have recently had surgery.
VaccinationMake sure your dog has been vaccinated a week prior to scheduled departure. Do not immediately send the new dog vaccinated because it can be fatal to your dog.
Box Kennel / Cage

Dogs must be sent using a kennel or cage Box made of wood with the following requirements:
1. Dogs can freely stand, sit, lay down and spun around as normal.2. The existence of places such as bottled drinking water specifically the stable, mounted inside the kennel box.3. The dogs sent to occupy a kennel box, unless the enclosure is large enough to fill more than one dog in accordance with the requirements of number 1.4. The existence of three ventilation holes that circulate enough air for domestic flights and four ventilation holes for international flights.5. Ventilation should not be closed / closed / blocked by a label or sticker.6. For the flat-nosed dogs or short-billed, the kennel should be sized larger box a number of specified size.

1. Choose the type of flight that does not require transit, because transit time will extend your dog inside the kennel box, if the transit should be done, and prepare food and drink for your dog and a table containing the last time you fed the dog.2. Choose the type of flight the morning or late afternoon, because the flight performed during the day can make your hot dog at the dog waiting at the cargo space or the time he headed to the plane.3. Try you do not choose the airline when the "peak season" or a holiday, due to some type of aircraft does not have an "animal cabin" and put the dog in the trunk of a plane with suitcases other, so that the air space becomes less.4. Choosing an airline that has a special space for live animals (Animal Live) in the cargo. This special room is usually equipped with oxygen and temperature guard because when the aircraft then oxygen will be reduced and the temperature will decrease. If the aircraft does not have this facility it is likely that the enclosure will be made one with the baggage of passengers. It is extremely dangerous and can cause death in animals that are sent because it will be starved of oxygen and cold.


1. Choose a trip in the afternoon to arrive at the destination in the morning. It also makes the trip more comfortable for them because usually the cargo space on the train does not have air conditioning (AC).2. Try to keep animals that are sent do not wait too long at the station. If you need to wait for the sender must accompany and watered during the train has not left.3. Ask the train officers to pay attention to the preparation of the cage so the animal will be sent get enough air.4. Make sure the person to pick up animals that are sent at the destination station before the train arrived at the train arrived in order to arrive, the animal does not have to wait too long at the station.5. Immediately give a drink and spend the animal so that he can unwind or dispose of dirt.

1. Make sure the car is used to send the animals have air conditioning (AC), do not ever think to send the animal by using a van or pick-ups because the animals are sent to the heat.2. Make sure the route selected is not winding so that the dog was not drunk. If forced, consult your veterinarian to give reliever drunk.3. Ask the driver or escort to pause to remove the animal or watered at least every 4 hours.

Delivery Service Provider animals
1. Choose a delivery service providers animals Reputable / experienced. Find out how long they had to do this business.2. Ask what kind of transportation they used to use. Better if they have a special vehicle to send animals.3. Always use insurance to make them more cautious.4. Find out the level of satisfaction of consumers who already use their services among pet lovers.

Beri peringkat terjemahan

Given Mandatory Training Your Dog

You just get a puppy or a dog, obedience training should start immediately or start as soon as possible. By starting training as early as possible, you will teach your dog to a good start to learn the rules and restrictions, so he will understand what is acceptable behavior and unacceptable behavior. Rules and knowledge that you and your dog learn and get through obedience training should be strengthened and be reminded constantly throughout your dog's life to make it successful.

Advantages Has Dogs for Kids

Many people believe that when a child in the womb, meaning that their dog had to go. They took him to daycare, give them to friends, or get rid of the rear garden. Many people do not realize, that this dog can be a great teacher and taught many things to children. Children can learn all the life of the dog family.

Security DogsWhat is the best way to teach your child to feel safe around dogs in addition to having a dog at home. You have the right tools you can use to demonstrate safe behavior around dogs. If your child put his face in the face of your dog, tell him why she should not do that. When your child try to take a toy dog ​​from the dog, explain why it is not a good idea.Teaching a dog that has been trained well when you're around to provide constant supervision, it is the most secure, more secure than sending your child without the knowledge to meet the dog unattended.
RelentWhen kids are rude, loud, or too happy with a dog, the dog is going to tell them. They can menggerang, or they could just walk away and blocking the child to play with the puppy. It teaches children that being naturally soft and gentle touch is essential when the love of other living beings.
Strong and ConfidentWhen your child grows and is able to deliver orders to your dog, they will quickly learn, that he must be strong and confident, or some dogs will not obey. In addition, the rule a dog to sit, and then saw the dog do things whatsoever, gives children confidence is high. Through this experience, children will learn, even though they are young and are limited in taking a decision, he can still make something happen.
Advantages of FriendshipHaving a dog in addition to teaching a child how it feels to have a close friend, and how it feels to have someone to rely on them and vice versa. This helps children to understand the value of establishing and maintaining true friendships.
Feeling SafeWith a dog at home, can make children feel more secure. Dogs can check the closet to look for monsters under the bed and to find the boggie man. Dogs can provide a sense of security that fear of darkness, and make him feel that his house was guarded by a guard. Also, in reality, it's amazing how even the most docile dog will react when humans were in danger.
The need for the OtherDogs are a great way to teach children that they are not the center of the universe, and that others have needs. Needs of a dog is more of a basic and easy to explain than the human needs in this modern age. Dogs need food, water, sleep, shelter, and out to relieve himself. This is the basic concept and the impact of their ignorance will be obvious.
ResponsibilityWhen children are old enough to take part to keep the family dog, they will learn to be responsible. Make a chart of your child's work and paste in the fridge where your child can reach it. Every time he fed the dog, or cleaning their droppings, or help you give your dog worm medicine you can give a gold star sign on the table together, signifying that he has done his job. This gives children a sense of accomplishment and responsibility.

Rules and Ethics Takes Dog to the Park

Public parks provide good places to play for the dogs to socialize, and burn excess energy. Dogs can spend the energy to play and socialize with other dogs or with humans other than the owner. By spending energy then the dog will be calmer when he came home. Common garden playing with your dog, need to know the rules and ethics, especially in our country are not yet familiar with the dog. A lot of public park that was originally allowed people to bring dogs, but eventually banned because the person who brought the dog does not obey the rules and ethics.

No Dogs that Fear, Aggressive or Too ActiveIf your dog has behavior problems above, then the public park is no place for them. The cowardly dog ​​would certainly bother you. You will not be free to walk with him. Dogs are aggressive or overactive certainly be scary people around who do not like dogs. It is fatal if the dog is injuring someone else in public. Help your dog overcome these problems at home or a place that can help them control the problem. When your dog has to feel comfortable around other dogs, so he may come to the park.

Not HopIf your dog has a habit of jumping towards menomplok or humans, Correct the behavior or habits before taking it to the park. No one wants to fall because ditomplok by an overexcited Labrador weighing 40 kg, although he was "trying to be friendly" but other people might think that the dog will attack, so things happen that are not desirable.
Following commandsYour dog should be able to respond without hesitation to common commands including sit, stay, come and drop it or leave it. It is very important that the dog will be brought to the public has been obedient to you, especially for large dog breeds such as Herder, Rottweiler or Doberman.
Immunization / VaccinationDo not bring your dog into a public park when the dog is not yet in full vaccine. There are so many diseases that can infect your dog if your dog is not vaccinated properly, and your dog can also infect the disease to other dogs.
No bark OverloadBarking that occurs occasionally is normal and ok. However, do not let your dog bark incessantly. People come to the dog park to relax and let their dogs play, not to hear the barking continuously.
No Dogs Sick or InjuredDogs who are sick can be contagious and have no place to hang out with other dogs. Also, disease or injury can make the dog becomes sensitive, fearful, or aggressive, although they are on usually quiet, the dog who can be trusted. Leave them at home until they feel better.
No Dogs Females are LoopsFemale dogs are loops or in periods attract male dogs and often lead to aggression and conflict.
No Snacks, No FoodSome dogs never show their aggressiveness towards the food they might be able to show such behavior in the presence of other dogs. Furthermore, other dogs at dog parks may be an aggressive dog with food. Besides, if you want to be stopped by a bunch of dog saliva when you're trying to enjoy your snack? Wait until you get out of the park to consume.
Do not Leave Your Dog Without SupervisionIn public parks even though there is the park superintendent to never leave your dog alone without direct supervision from you because your dog can membahayan as well as other visitors.
Knowing When to ReturnIf someone complains about your dog, do not directly protect yourself. Maybe your dog is not acting reasonably; there may be something that happens to your dog but you do not see it. Try to look at from the perspective of people complaining. Consider carefully your dog in the park, Overcome problems that arise immediately, and generally you can avoid problems like this. If your dog gets few complaints, it is time to go home.
No Children Under 4 Months DogsUntil this age, puppies are not fully in the vaccine and the disease can be dangerous and even deadly in the park. Before the age of four months, they are also easily injured or traumatized. Wait until they are aged four months and you give a great help for your dog.
Never Disciplining Other People's DogsThink like a kid in the park generally. You certainly do not want some stranger hit the little Suzie for mischief, is not it? Lerailah fights when necessary, but do not touch the dogs of others, unless it is unavoidable for security reasons.
Dirt pick up your dogLike other places where you bring your dog, pick up when you dispose of dog feces and encourage others to do the same for their dogs. Dog droppings spread disease, uncomfortable and often closed due to the dog park hygiene problems caused by many dog ​​owners do not clean up their dogs.
The best way to support dog owners to pick up their dog droppings are: carrying a plastic bag and offered them one by saying pleasantly, "if you forget to bring a plastic bag to pick up your dog droppings? I can give you one ". That way, you do not accuse other dog owners that they are not good or irresponsible owners, just assume they forgot to bring a plastic bag. Who knows, that they do not know, or maybe they actually forgot to bring. By picking up dog droppings then you respect other park visitors. Avoid conflict at the dog park is an added value.
Use the Rope GuideAlways use a leash in dog parks or dog diacara associations, so that your dog has always been in control, and avoid things that are not desirable.

Caring for Dogs with Simple Ways

The first daysBringing home the puppy home
Make the first days of arrival in the house into something enjoyable and healthy for your puppy, for example, after you buy it at a place to sell dog / sell puppy. before prepare basic needs that are important:
* Food* Place food and drinking places* Signs ID (dog tags), collar and leash* Basket comfortable, stable, or bed* Brush, comb and shampoo* Chew toys to soothe teething (teething)
Tip on the way
At the time of bringing the puppy, for example your home type labrador dog, make the experience enjoyable experience. Hold the puppy carefully put in the cage or carrier (crate), make sure your puppy feel safe and comfortable.Start
The first days are very important in building a good relationship between the puppy and your family.Your Labrador puppy will feel scared and anxious when she first knew the area baru.Untuk help speed him to familiarize yourself with these changes:
Introduce your puppy to a safe and peaceful homes, avoid other pets for sementara.Berikan attention and affection - the dog is a social animal instinct instead of animals who live alone. When you want to hold it, hold him with both hands to lift your body, one hand on the back underneath and one hand under his chest again so she feels safe at dipegang.Sediakan warm bed and clean from dust.Teach your child how to keep and maintain the pet.Place your puppy
Memperlukan your puppy a place for him herself. Give him a basket, cage or bed covered so that she feels safe and secure. Add a pedestal like old sheets or towels in place then so be a comfortable place for your puppy.
Respect the privacy of your puppy and let him feel secure in his new place. Try not to let him for a long time. Remember your puppy is a social animal. Avoid putting your puppy into place when he was naughty. Sebaikanya create a place to make a place where she feels safe and accepted and serene.
Puppy nutrition
Newborn puppies receive all the nutrients from the mother's milk during the first four weeks. After that, solid foods can be added gradually to the full weaning food until about 6-8 weeks. Nutritional needs of puppies more demanding more than an adult dog; in the first few weeks, the weight of the puppy will be doubled. During the formation of this important stage, the puppy will use the amount of energy to growth and play, but his stomach is still relatively small, and therefore get the best possible nutrition is very important for him.
Choosing a puppy food
It's important to give your puppy food that is easily digestible, nutrient-dense, and formulas 100% complete and balanced designed for growth. And because the ratio of growth is very different for each race / breed. It is important to choose a formula that matches the size of your puppy races.

Care Tips Breed

When good times come when you coming home a new family member that is a puppy is tiny and cute. All the best things given to him. But a few days later the problems are very disturbing your mind. Your pet puppy will not eat, stress, diarrhea, etc..

Therefore to avoid the things above, follow these tips:

Diseases for which cats

The good news about the threat to human health brought about by a cat is just a bit, but we still have to be careful. Here are a few things to note:


Rabies. This is the most serious, except in Australia and England because in both countries as well as control of vaccinated cats are strictly organized and orderly. Latest news, 5 of 10 homes in the UK to maintain at least one cat. My cat had a one-time anti-rabies vaccinated, funny cats pushed another neighbor had to use a cage while the cat just brought my mother to follow my own path.


Toxoplasmosis. The myth that we often hear is a pregnant woman should not go near the cat because his fur is harmful to the womb. After I read on Wikipedia is not exactly cause the fur, but from the cat litter cat litter can indeed be attached to the fur fall out. Toxoplasmosis that infect the womb is called congenital toxoplasmosis, can cause infections in babies not yet born. No mention that the transmission can be through breathing, but the cooked food because of undercooked contaminated cat feces, or not washing hands before handling food.

Ringworm or Tinea. I do not know what the term generally, a skin disease that can be transmitted through touch and cat fur that can function as carriers or carrier. Risks to this fungus resulted in washing hands after handling a cat as a necessity.

Flea or tick. Cat flea, or Ctenocephalides felis could just bite the skin although it does not infect anything, but it can occur that cause the tick bite wound. Cat powder sold enough as a precaution, but certainly as one way of maintaining a good cat.
5. Bites and scratches. Cat saliva can contain bacteria harmful to our bodies, so cakarannya. Antiseptic should be sufficient, and rarely bite or scratch causes fever, if there is fever, call your doctor immediately, hopefully not a symptom of rabies. One thing if I was playing with the cat until he bites-especially if you tickle his belly, the most vulnerable parts of the body of a cat-is not to pull the arm when bitten, let your hands rest when bitten, often do not pass the cat bite.
Flu Cat (Cat Flu)
Flu disease often occur in cats, especially in cats that have not been vaccinated and easily transmitted to other cats. This disease rarely causes death in adult cats but can be fatal when attacking a kitten. Although in adult cats rarely fatal, disease symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing can last long enough. Therefore, routine preventive vaccination is the best course of action.
Does cat flu?
Cat flu is a disease in cats is usually caused by infection with one or a combination of several viruses (herpes viruses and virus calici) and bacteria.
How does this disease spread?
Sepertihalnya flu in humans, cat flu has also spread through saliva, sneezing liquids / droplets containing the virus. These droplets spread through sneezing, direct contact or indirectly via equipment (where food, drinks, pens, etc.) contaminated with the virus. Indirect contact can also occur through human touch, so wash your hands with soap / antiseptic after handling sick cats so as not to infect other cats.
The incubation period of this disease may reach 3 weeks, meaning that the cat may not show symptoms of the flu to 3 weeks after the virus attack. During the three weeks the cats could spread the virus, although it does not look sick.
How the signs of cat flu attacked?
Cat flu-like symptoms like flu in humans. In starting with bekelanjutan sneezing, fever, decreased appetite or lost altogether, weakness, lethargy, followed by cough, red and watery eyes. Signs of illness usually begin to decrease after 7 days and return to its original condition within 2-3 weeks. In some cases, the disease can cause a kind of thrush in the mouth and cause pain when eating cats.
Is the cat flu contagious to humans?
No. Flu virus in cats is different from flu viruses that infect humans.
Is the cat flu can be treated?
Unfortunately until now there is no cure for cat flu. See your veterinarian immediately if symptoms of this disease occur in your cat. Providing drugs such as antibiotics to prevent secondary infection is more caused by bacteria. Other medications that are given are usually aimed at reducing the symptoms of flu such as lowering the heat, relieve respiratory and eliminate excess mucus respiratory tract. The rest depends on the cat's immune system itself.
In cats with the condition and good nutrition, illness this flu will heal itself within 2-3 weeks. Although the cat will not eat, try to have food that enters the body by being fed, so that the cat still has the energy and good nutrition to combat the flu virus.
Do Cats who develop flu can come back healthy?
Usually the cat who got the flu back to health in a few weeks. In some cases of infection and symptoms last longer, Cats look always sneezing and runny nose for several months. This can lead to unfavorable conditions for cats and susceptible to other diseases.
Should be given vitamins or supplements?
Vitamins and supplements can help boost your immune system conditions and cats that are sick. Consult with your veterinarian vitamins / supplements that fit along with the dose.
Are Vaccinations can heal a sick cat flu?
More pencegahan.Vaksinasi routine vaccination is not 100% protect cats from disease. In the cat who routinely vaccinated, even though the flu is usually not severe and heal faster.
Disease fungus Cryptococcus In Cats Indonesia is a tropical country with a relatively stable air temperatures and high humidity. Air condition is very suitable for the growth of various fungi that cause disease, one of which is Cryptococcus neoformans. Mushrooms are one of those molds / yeast (yeast). This fungus is very small and not visible to the naked eye, but a growing colony usually looks like a layer of beige-brown and slimy. Fungus C. neoformans is everywhere, usually grow in bird droppings and rotting vegetation. C. neoformans often attack in cats, especially the respiratory tract. The spread started from the nose, through the bloodstream can spread to the brain, eyes and lungs. But generally attacks the nose, throat, facial tissues, eyes and brain.
Signs of cats exposed to C. neoformans
Affected cats usually have swollen nose, heavy colds, wounds, swollen nose, the sound of heavy breathing, sometimes accompanied by fever, peeling skin around the face and head, swollen lymph nodes, nerve disorders and eye.
Communicable to humans & long recovery
Immediately consult your cat to the nearest vet, the vet also informed that the chances of fungal diseases C. This neoformans. Your veterinarian will prescribe appropriate.
Note also that this disease is chronic, recovery is long and requires treatment for 1-2 months or more. The healing process is very dependent on the least severe disease and a regular administration of drugs.
No less important disease is zoonotic, which can attack humans. Transmission can occur through cats, dogs or directly from the environment, so wash your hands after treating your pet cat.

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