Advantages Has Dogs for Kids

Many people believe that when a child in the womb, meaning that their dog had to go. They took him to daycare, give them to friends, or get rid of the rear garden. Many people do not realize, that this dog can be a great teacher and taught many things to children. Children can learn all the life of the dog family.

Security DogsWhat is the best way to teach your child to feel safe around dogs in addition to having a dog at home. You have the right tools you can use to demonstrate safe behavior around dogs. If your child put his face in the face of your dog, tell him why she should not do that. When your child try to take a toy dog ​​from the dog, explain why it is not a good idea.Teaching a dog that has been trained well when you're around to provide constant supervision, it is the most secure, more secure than sending your child without the knowledge to meet the dog unattended.
RelentWhen kids are rude, loud, or too happy with a dog, the dog is going to tell them. They can menggerang, or they could just walk away and blocking the child to play with the puppy. It teaches children that being naturally soft and gentle touch is essential when the love of other living beings.
Strong and ConfidentWhen your child grows and is able to deliver orders to your dog, they will quickly learn, that he must be strong and confident, or some dogs will not obey. In addition, the rule a dog to sit, and then saw the dog do things whatsoever, gives children confidence is high. Through this experience, children will learn, even though they are young and are limited in taking a decision, he can still make something happen.
Advantages of FriendshipHaving a dog in addition to teaching a child how it feels to have a close friend, and how it feels to have someone to rely on them and vice versa. This helps children to understand the value of establishing and maintaining true friendships.
Feeling SafeWith a dog at home, can make children feel more secure. Dogs can check the closet to look for monsters under the bed and to find the boggie man. Dogs can provide a sense of security that fear of darkness, and make him feel that his house was guarded by a guard. Also, in reality, it's amazing how even the most docile dog will react when humans were in danger.
The need for the OtherDogs are a great way to teach children that they are not the center of the universe, and that others have needs. Needs of a dog is more of a basic and easy to explain than the human needs in this modern age. Dogs need food, water, sleep, shelter, and out to relieve himself. This is the basic concept and the impact of their ignorance will be obvious.
ResponsibilityWhen children are old enough to take part to keep the family dog, they will learn to be responsible. Make a chart of your child's work and paste in the fridge where your child can reach it. Every time he fed the dog, or cleaning their droppings, or help you give your dog worm medicine you can give a gold star sign on the table together, signifying that he has done his job. This gives children a sense of accomplishment and responsibility.

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