also strange why the green grass for cats. Maybe this is one habit that many cats are not in the know by its owner. The grass is still fresh and green leafy cat is very useful for digestion. It turns out that cats also need green vegetables and fresh for its digestion. cats are very obliged to eat grass at least once a month. Grass is preferable by the cat is not hard to find, you can pick on your home page or in places in tumbuhi weeds. Or if you are confused what to choose what type of grass in your pet like a cat, you just bring your cat to a page that many of tumbuhi grass and let your cat out of it you find your own cat grass which one he likes. Cats do not require a lot of eating grass, cats need only sparingly.

Eating grass in the cat is there to help the process of digestion, especially for cats memabantu remove hairs that swallowed the cat licking its fur. Feathers that had ingested each day will clot in pencernananya the cat, well it functions to help the cat grass clumps remove feathers or commonly called Hairboll. Therefore, if the clump hairs that exist in the digestive issued will not affect the growth and health of your cat. As a result of hairboll lot, among others, the cat's appetite will decrease, cat pooped utuk hard, causing cough - cough in cats and limp.
If you live in an area where there is no grass, you can get them from pet shops in your town. Usually the pet store also provides a dried grass or grass-containing foods are certainly very good for the cat:)
Well I hope after you read this, you will know better how to keep and care for the cat. Do not let things that seem trivial problem you also for the health of your pet cat. Hopefully what I write is helpful to friends - especially friends of all cat lovers


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