If you already love and hobby, usually people can long hours sitting in front of translucent container yard or in the pool just for the beauty and colors as well as rocking-lenggoknya lenggak. To get even willing to spend millions to hundreds of millions of dollars. The beast in question is a freshwater fish.
Ornamental fish business does have a lucrative business prospects. With the capital that is not too big and a little skill you are guaranteed to be able to cultivate the potential income from this business. Market was fairly easy enough, especially in cities - cities such as: Tangerang, Serang and Cilegon, as well as several other major cities in Greater Jakarta. The reason why the fish was chosen as a source of income? for ornamental fish cultivation does not require large tracts of land, requires little capital and can be done by each family member is also a relatively short time. The types of fish, among other types of siklid, Platis, lemon, hickey, black ghost, manvis, Palmas, guppy, discus, oscar, and still many more with the cultivation of a traditional, semi-intensive or intensive with diverse facilities and infrastructure . To get a good ornamental fish farming can be done by always maintaining the quality and quantity. In keeping with the quality and quantity can not be separated from the cultivation of ornamental fish is done. Therefore, in ornamental fish culture activities to note a few things:
Container maintenance
Cultivation of ornamental fish can use a container of various kinds for not leaking. Container cultivation is often used for ornamental fish are the aquarium, like a cement pond, pool tarpaulin / plastic, fiber glass tub with a variety of sizes. It can also be used secondhand goods that do not leak and can be patched with the size and diameter that vary in size. Container water fish farming systems are flowing and there are flooded. Ornamental fish breeding container consists of the parent container maintenance, spawning, hatching eggs, nursery, rearing and holding the results. But containers are used depending on the species of fish and the main thing is depending on the area of land and capital owned.
Environmental freshwater ornamental fish
Ornamental fish has the ability to live in a diverse environment. Environment greatly affects the fish life is water, temperature, acidity (pH), water hardness, dissolved oxygen content and brightness. To cultivate ornamental fish must be in accordance with the conditions of the water environment around us. Aquatic environment are ideal for ornamental fish is to the average water temperature 24 - 300C, pH 6-7, dissolved oxygen> 3 ppm and the brightness of water 30-60 cm. Source of water for ornamental fish farming among others, comes from groundwater, river water and tap water. The types of water shall be deposited in advance at least 12-24 hours before use in order to contain enough dissolved oxygen and other gases are lost. To make the pH corresponding to the life of ornamental fish can be done by providing agricultural lime or lime bordo with a dose of moderation when it is too acidic / alkaline. Water hardness shows the content of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc. The high hardness is strongly influenced by ambient conditions such as plant species around water sources and mikroorgnisme. Hardness or hardness of water is ideal for the cultivation of freshwater fish ranged from 70-100 HD The content of nitrite in the cultivation of fish originating from the residual feed, fish feces, mosses, which decompose dead plants in the nitrogen cycle. The content of nitrite affect the health that resulted in the growth and development of fish
Feed for ornamental fish usually are given natural feed and artificial feed. Types of natural food that is commonly given infusoria, water fleas, mosquito larvae, silk worms, artemia, insects, frogs, fish on / off. While the artificial feed is the feed material is also essentially derived from natural food. Artificial feed pellets which are generally shaped protein levels can be adjusted according to the needs of fish growth.
Selection of Candidates for broodstock
In the ornamental fish spawning takes male and female broodstock fish. Mains to be used should be sufficient to dipijahkan age and ripe gonads (sex). To determine the level of gonadal maturation in ornamental fish can be seen from the description. Characteristic of mature gonads parent to female parent, among others, belly towards the genital and when touched feels soft and smooth, genital prominence (open) and if ordered will be out a few eggs. While the male parent of mature gonads towards genital characterized when sorted semen will issue. Ornamental fish will have mature gonads and can dipijahkan at the age of 4-12 months depending on the type of fish. Prospective breeders should be healthy body condition, not contracted the disease and come from heredity (genes) are well and good. To get a prospective sire is by way of purchase, obtained from the inter ornamental fish, from the hobbyist or produce it themselves.
Spawning fish eggs for the fertilization process that took place there internally and externally. Ornamental fish that spawn there and there are childless. The treatment process is different depending on the type of fish spawning. Must therefore be prepared media, materials, necessary tools in the process of spawning. Not all ornamental fish spawning naturally can do. To cultivate ornamental fish that spawn naturally can not be done by injecting stimulating hormone (induced spawning) in order to spawn either naturally or by sequencing (stripping). Keep in mind to cultivate ornamental fish should avoid spawning an offspring (inbreeding).
Hatching Eggs
The eggs will hatch depending on the type of fish. Usually the eggs will hatch after 24 hours into larvae. Hatching (incubation) eggs can be done at the aquarium, pond permanence, funnel and happa. In the process of hatching was done by the parent appointed as a whole or there is a parent left behind one of them. The process of hatching eggs may require aeration and some do not.
Treatment until the larvae Enlargement
Eggs that have become larvae will begin to swim here and there. Larval fish can be placed in the aquarium, hapa, pond basins, baths, plastic, fiber glass and soil pools and other containers. During the start hatching until the age ± week larvae do not need to be fed because they still carry food reserves in the form of egg yolk (yolksack). After a week has begun to be given food such as infusoria, water fleas or brine, silk worms or other types of food from either natural or artificial feed is smaller than the mouth of larvae. Once the fish begin to large-sized seed and feed are provided in the form of water fleas, mosquito larvae, silk worms, insects, frogs, fish on / off or pellets. Typical feeding 2 times a day ie morning and afternoon. Stocking density of fish should be adapted to the cultivation media area, not too dense or too sparse. If too dense causing slow fish growth, and if rarely inefficient use of culture media (waste). Water fish which became the seed of life, will experience a decline in the quality of the water becomes dirty due to leftover food and fish excrement. Therefore, it needs cleaning water (penyiponan). You do this by opening the discharge pipe or vacuuming. Not all water is removed, a maximum of ¾ of its parts. Once it is filled again with water that has been deposited before the water not new. So the farmers must have water in order to perform tendon penyiponan anytime. Frequency penyiponan water more often the better and no later than once a week. The fish are maintained will experience growth. The child's growth and fish are usually not uniform. There is a big first, normal, and there are bantet (kontet). For that we need to do sorting and pedederan fish. The fish of uniform size are grouped by size for uniform growth. Having done this nursery nursery needs to be done next. Between male and female puppies needs to be sorted and separated to avoid spawning early he .... So pertuumbuhan normal fish and to prepare candidates for breeding. Long process of maintenance of ornamental fish until the fish ready to sell depending on the type of fish. At the age of 1-2 months typically sized fish is 1-2 inches. So it can be measured the growth of fish and when fish can be sold depends on the type and size. Ornamental fish can be marketed at any time depending on the needs pembudidayanya.
Pests and Diseases
In the ornamental fish farming, farmers sometimes face the pests and diseases. Pests that need to be tackled is the snakes, birds, frogs, dragonfly larvae, snails and the most important thing is human. Diseases that attack ornamental fish is a disease caused by non-parasitic (non parasiter) and diseases that arise due to parasitic attacks. Disease from non-parasiter usually comes from environmental factors and especially the food. Foods that are not cleaned will invite a wide range of diseases. Therefore, the food given previously should be washed clean first order just given. Feeding excessive and inappropriate will result in the symptoms of oxygen deficiency and toxicity. Another is the presence of environmental changes in temperature, pH and hardness yng incompatible normal threshold. Changes in temperature usually occurs during the transition seasons. At this moment a lot betta disease. Therefore it should always control the state of water. Parasiter disease due to parasite attacks the fish body, gills, or mucus in the body of the fish itself. This can be a protozoan parasite, worms, tiny shrimp, mushrooms, bacteria and viruses
Request for ornamental fish are still a lot of market share for both local and export market share. For ornamental fish market is the farmers can directly sell itself to consumers or use the services of collectors (collector) that typically already have extensive networks and there are also buyers who come to the cultivators. There also are offering to agents (suppliers) or trade circumference. To maximize the marketing of ornamental fish farming, the farmers should be able to open up a vast network in order to get consumers remain. Another way is to do with the cultivation of ornamental fish plasma system. In addition, by forming groups / associations of mutual benefit between fellow members. Farmers also have to have a fixed collectors who are always ready to accommodate the results of operations. No less important is the farmers must actively seek consumer directly either through direct contact or through media such as telephone and internet communications. Consultation and coordination with government is essential to seek a breakthrough in the field of marketing. Freshwater ornamental fish culture is a commodity that can be developed as a source of livelihood because of the capital required is small, can take advantage of a very limited area and time is relatively short and easy way of cultivation. Now all that is needed is guidance from the government or other relevant agencies to develop the potential of ornamental fish culture in the region of each commodity to him as well as employment opportunities to tackle unemployment. Tangerang regency and city has much to breed freshwater fish and have a high income. Hopefully other big cities in the province can use this opportunity both for local and export market share.
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