4 Benefits of Health, from maintaining Pet

Some people keep pets for reasons like the adorable behavior. Beyond that, there are health benefits.
Of the encourages us to raise the level of activity and away from the mood of loneliness, the benefits of having a pet to health was a lot. Dr. Roy Page, Executive Director of the South Africa Companion Animal Council (SACAC) explain, some surprising benefits if you keep pets, as quoted Health24.

You connect with others
Pets are very good friends, but they can also persuade the owner to lazy or to socialize outside the home. So, take your pet to walk to the park so you have more opportunities to interact with others.
Reduce allergies in children
Conventional wisdom asserts that pets increase the risk of developing allergies in children. But according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, children who grow up with pets have a reduced risk of allergies in animals, as well as allergies to pollens and molds. The study also found that children who are close to the pet has a lower risk of developing asthma.
Reduce blood pressure
A U.S. study found that stock brokers who have pets have lower blood pressure when stressed than those who do not. In addition, companion animals can help reduce stress and hypertension on anyone. In turn, this helps reduce the risk of heart attacks and heart disease.
Detecting disease
Partly to remind pet owners to the disease. Dog with a keen awareness of smell and can detect cancer and predict epileptic seizures. Dogs, for example, is able to capture changes in the smell or the owner with good behavior. (FTR)

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