Westie Training for your Puppy
Your westie won't let anything pass, and will want to know about everything and everywhere. That is why training him to be disciplined and obedient is part and parcel of caring for your dog.
The best time to start westie training the dog is from the moment he is brought home at close to 8 weeks. The westie will need to be taught some simple words to start things off. His name would be the first important thing, which needs to be repeated to him while he is a puppy. Then word commands will be taught to him; teaching commands is basically saying the appropriate word many times while the puppy maintains that position. Soon, he will simply learn to make the association between that word and what he was doing.
When the puppy behaves accordingly, praise him to let him know you are happy with how he is behaving. You will help build confidence in your dog when your dog makes the connection between your saying “good dog” and a happy, positive reaction from you. But if the puppy does something that you do not want him to do, say “No” but only on times that you catch doing something he ought not to. There is no sense anymore in disciplining a puppy for an accident that happened minutes ago, or for some mischief that you are sure he was responsible for, but was not caught red-handed. Otherwise, your poor dog will get mixed signals.
The time you need to start teaching a new command is some 15 minutes a day. Find out if there are any basic training classes in your city. They will be indeed a big help in case the westie you just obtained is an adult.
Let's talk now more about the puppies' westie training. As stated earlier, the training starts when you bring your puppy home, but start small of course. Naturally, the westie is still too young to know the gravity of his actions, let alone remember for all his life what you teach.
But still what we just discussed still stands. Things done your way earn him praise and love, while things done his way earn him penalties (but never harm, which is excessive). You need to show the dog again and again that your way is easier to do and more desirable, so that the puppy will want to repeat that action to get more love from you.
Put into action a successful westie training by being persistent, confident and above all consistent yourself. This way, your westie can sense the confidence in you, and will grow up confident himself!
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