Maintaining Ornamental saltwater fish
Maintaining marine water ornamental fish
actually quite easy. Most just takes a little knowledge and learning to really enjoy the underwater world of beautiful and colorful this. Here are some simple tips so you can keep marine aquarium beautiful for a long time.
1. Do not ever, do not, never, ever, live ornamental fish to enter into a new aquarium setup.
To be closer to its original condition, the aquarium should be created "Nitrogen Cycle". Circulating aquarium water will grow bacteria supporting marine life (aerobic and anaerobic). Bacteria first appeared about 4 weeks.
Tip: To start you can put some fish Green / Blue Chromis (betok green) is pretty strong in that water quality is not good. Do not use other betok (blue or yellow tail blue) because these aggressive fish.
2. Fish is restricted a little.
Fish too much stress makes fish easy and die. Provision must also be a lot of food and dirt can quickly accumulate. Water quality will quickly go down, and marine fish was dead easy. The fish that much, just for the aquarium a sophisticated and experienced akuaris.
Tip: Choose only a few of the most beautiful fish you like the most.
3. New fish must "acclimatized".
Newly purchased fish in plastic bags must be adjusted before its temperature with a temperature of the aquarium.
Ambangkan aquarium fish in plastic in 20 minutes. After that open the plastic, put a little water into a plastic akurium new fish, let stand 10 minutes. After that, the fish can be incorporated into the aquarium. Turn off the lights so as not to stress.
4. Give eat just 1 time a day.
For marine fish, preferably less rather than more. 1 time is enough. Excess food will reduce the quality of sea water.
5. Live Rock!
This is the main weapon of the aquaris experienced world. Use the "Reef Life" as much as possible to maintain water quality naturally. Life is a coral reef there are many parts in purple. Use at least 1 / 3 of tank volume. The price of only Rp 20,000 per stone.
6. Plants, also very good for maintaining water quality.
Mainly Grass Acid (Caulerpa Sertularioides), Grass Needles (Chaetomorpha) or Green Wine. These herbs will reduce nitrate levels significantly and make the water more fun for fish.
7. Replace water 20% every 2 weeks. Half, 1 months. Sea water prices are not expensive,
8. Check for Ph and its salts levels.
If the pH is low, drug use Kalkwasser (sold).
Check for Ph easy, just enter a little into the water tank test equipment, then poured the liquid measuring. Then compare the color of the water with a Ph-size paper in color. It cost her Ph test tool quite expensive, (Rp 80000-85000), but only used once in a while only.
Check the levels of salt use Hydrometer. The price is only Rp 20,000= $ 2. Normal salinity is penunjukknya the appliance.
9. Marine Aquarium Protein Skimmer is required to hold.
This is the most significant instrument in maintaining the quality of sea water. It costs about Rp 250,000's = $25 . All marine aquarium, both in the ornamental fish shop (Sumenep) and at Seaworld all wearing Protein Skimmer.
10. Buy shrimp pellets 5 tail (Lysmata amboinensis). Shrimp pellets are very useful because they love eating bacteria Whitespot (white spots) that sometimes appears on the fish.
11. Maintain jabing 1 whole small fish. One of the most troublesome problems in maintaining a marine aquarium is the sand that would normally be covered with brown moss. This makes the aquarium look dirty, and generally cleaning rather difficult. The solution is simple. Fish jabing (lawnmower Blenny) will clean the sand base of brown moss eat moss because he enjoys it. This fish is now popular among hobbyists because of the unique and interesting behavior. Select small, because if large will make a mess of sand. It costs about Rp 15,000.
12. The best temperature is for fish below 28 degrees Celsius, and coral 25 Celsius (with chiller).
Keeping marine fish a little more difficult than freshwater. Marine fish are very sensitive to its environment. Particularly water quality, and fellow aquarium inhabitants. But the important thing is knowledge, then you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the sea and its inhabitants in your home.
Good luck, and be nice to the fish.
And see here the fish are beautiful ..
Tips exclaimed:
1. If you fill your aquarium with small fish, your aquarium will look more spacious. If filled with big fish, the aquarium will look more narrow.
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