
Fish is a member of the vertebrate poikilotermik (cold blooded) [1] that live in water and breathe with gills. Fish is the most diverse vertebrate species by the number more than 27,000 worldwide. Taxonomically, fish are a paraphyletic group whose exact relationships are much debated; fish usually divided into the jawless fish (class Agnatha, 75 species including lampreys and hagfish), cartilaginous fishes (class Chondrichthyes, 800 species including sharks and rays), and the rest classified as hard bony fish (class Osteichthyes). Fish in various regional languages is called iwak (jv, bjn), jukut (vkt).
Fish come in different sizes, ranging from whale sharks measuring 14 meters (45 ft) to stout infantfish that measures just 7 mm (approximately 1 / 4 inch). There are several aquatic animals are often regarded as the "fish", such as whales, fish, squid and fish, mermaids, which is not classified as fish.
Maintenance of fish for beginners
Having a successful tank is not difficult and not necessarily a lot, provided you use your logic. These guidelines are based on scientific knowledge and experience gained from the aquarist who has experience in the art of pisciculture yearly. The following list summarizes the most important things for success. Each topic will be elaborated in detail.Have patience
Buying a tank, setting it and fill it with fish on the same day if possible, is a sure road to disaster. In fact, setting and filling your tank can take up to two months.An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
Provide an environment that minimizes fish stress is one of success. As fish become stressed, their immune systems weaken and they become susceptible to disease. Moreover, most drugs do not always work and often damage than good. Often the best treatment for sick fish is to reduce stress by1. frequent water changes2. do not give food an excessive3. check whether the filter works well4. provide adequate space5. maintain with the appropriate fish and get along.Understanding and Understanding the Nitrogen Cycle
Fish produce toxic wastes and ammonia, which must be broken down by bacteria through biological filtration. Most fish tank owners who die because they do not understand about the nitrogen cycle. Kematianpun completely avoidable if they know about this Nitrogen Cycle.Perform regular maintenance on your filter
A clogged filter will reduce the efficiency of filters. In a biological filter, clogged filter will be unable to remove ammonia properly and can cause fish stress and eventually death biologically cleaned with cotton floss with mebilas with used water being sucked from the tank into the bucket. Undergravel filters can be cleaned by vacuuming regularly.Process all the water tap / pam before adding to the aquarium
Water pam / tap contain chemical additives such as chlorine or chlorine to the water is safe for human consumption. But this material is toxic to fish and can weaken, damage and can also kill fish.Learn about the basic chemistry of water
Basic water chemistry is pH, hardness and buffering. You do not need to follow special chemistry lesson, but you should know about water chemistry and the local water supply so that fish happy. Each location of water sources vary, and some fish may not be living with water around your residence. You can learn it by using a test kit and a description of aquarium enthusiasts group in your area.Keep the pH of your tank's water is always stable
Rapid pH changes will make the fish become stressed. Tank water has a natural tendency to become acidic because of acid from the nitrite and nitrate nitrogen cycle. Maintaining a stable pH so that sufficient buffering is required. If your water is soft, you need to add a buffering agent. Avoid adding chemicals that lower the pH. These chemicals that lower the pH often have side effects such as helping the growth of moss. In some cases, the pH of the water does not need to be adjusted so that "more suitable" for the fish. If the pH is between 6.5 and 7.5, it is suitable for almost all types of fish.Choose fish that correspond to the water around you
Choose fish that have to live in water that have similar chemical properties (pH and GH) with your local tap water. If you have a low pH water (acid), choose fish that can live well in low pH (such as disc, arowana). This is very important if the water around you outside the 6.5-7.5 pH range. Change the natural pH can be hard work and often inconvenient and uncomfortable in keeping aquariums. Coupled with the experiment many times for adjustments and often worsen conditions for your fish. The best way in the learning phase is to maintain appropriate water with the water around you.Choosing aquarium fish in accordance with
Piliha fish that correspond to each other and think long term. 1 inch fish sure looks cute in the store. But what you do when it grows to 15 cm and their habitats and food? Fish also require a certain minimum depends on the physical size and temperament. Select demanding fish fit your tank. Make sure your tank has adequate hiding places like rocks, plants, trees and so on in their habitat.Karatina your fish well before entering them into your tank
Never put water (from the store) to your tank. The water may contain disease. If possible, quarantine new purchases for 2-3 weeks before adding them to your aquarium.Do a water change
Replace a quarter of your tank water every week. Substitution of water serves two purposes: Dissolves and removes nitrate before multiplying to dangerous levels and add trace elements and buffers that have been used by bacteria, tananman and others. Substitution of water regularly helps ensure the water in the tank does not deviate significantly. The benefits are especially important is when there is a disease that attacks your tank, water turnover is one important step in tackling the disease. And a drastic change of water is not safe, unless the water has a chemical composition (pH, GH) are almost the same as the water in the aquarium.How much time and effort required in maintaining the fish tank?
For aquariums 10-20 gallons (38-75 liters) tank, once set up, expect to use about 30 minutes every two weeks to replace some of the water, cleaning and others. If this is too much trouble you then do not jump into this hobby. You will also spend a few minutes once or twice every day to feed your fish, turn off and turn on the lights and so forth. Warning: Many people spend more time just looking at the aquarium and its contents. Of course, that's the point.
Be prepared to use several hours researching the hobby before making your purchase. The longer you are researching before getting either way. Visit to several stores to get one seems reputable. Visit again several times. Buy some beginner books. Read this article several times.
Most people who are frustrated with the tank made a mistake that could have been avoided. One way to avoid mistakes is to learn the basics as the nitrogen cycle before entering the fish into the aquarium.
Remember: most aquarium problems easily prevented, but difficult to be tackled at once problematic.
Fish come in different sizes, ranging from whale sharks measuring 14 meters (45 ft) to stout infantfish that measures just 7 mm (approximately 1 / 4 inch). There are several aquatic animals are often regarded as the "fish", such as whales, fish, squid and fish, mermaids, which is not classified as fish.
Maintenance of fish for beginners
Having a successful tank is not difficult and not necessarily a lot, provided you use your logic. These guidelines are based on scientific knowledge and experience gained from the aquarist who has experience in the art of pisciculture yearly. The following list summarizes the most important things for success. Each topic will be elaborated in detail.Have patience
Buying a tank, setting it and fill it with fish on the same day if possible, is a sure road to disaster. In fact, setting and filling your tank can take up to two months.An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
Provide an environment that minimizes fish stress is one of success. As fish become stressed, their immune systems weaken and they become susceptible to disease. Moreover, most drugs do not always work and often damage than good. Often the best treatment for sick fish is to reduce stress by1. frequent water changes2. do not give food an excessive3. check whether the filter works well4. provide adequate space5. maintain with the appropriate fish and get along.Understanding and Understanding the Nitrogen Cycle
Fish produce toxic wastes and ammonia, which must be broken down by bacteria through biological filtration. Most fish tank owners who die because they do not understand about the nitrogen cycle. Kematianpun completely avoidable if they know about this Nitrogen Cycle.Perform regular maintenance on your filter
A clogged filter will reduce the efficiency of filters. In a biological filter, clogged filter will be unable to remove ammonia properly and can cause fish stress and eventually death biologically cleaned with cotton floss with mebilas with used water being sucked from the tank into the bucket. Undergravel filters can be cleaned by vacuuming regularly.Process all the water tap / pam before adding to the aquarium
Water pam / tap contain chemical additives such as chlorine or chlorine to the water is safe for human consumption. But this material is toxic to fish and can weaken, damage and can also kill fish.Learn about the basic chemistry of water
Basic water chemistry is pH, hardness and buffering. You do not need to follow special chemistry lesson, but you should know about water chemistry and the local water supply so that fish happy. Each location of water sources vary, and some fish may not be living with water around your residence. You can learn it by using a test kit and a description of aquarium enthusiasts group in your area.Keep the pH of your tank's water is always stable
Rapid pH changes will make the fish become stressed. Tank water has a natural tendency to become acidic because of acid from the nitrite and nitrate nitrogen cycle. Maintaining a stable pH so that sufficient buffering is required. If your water is soft, you need to add a buffering agent. Avoid adding chemicals that lower the pH. These chemicals that lower the pH often have side effects such as helping the growth of moss. In some cases, the pH of the water does not need to be adjusted so that "more suitable" for the fish. If the pH is between 6.5 and 7.5, it is suitable for almost all types of fish.Choose fish that correspond to the water around you
Choose fish that have to live in water that have similar chemical properties (pH and GH) with your local tap water. If you have a low pH water (acid), choose fish that can live well in low pH (such as disc, arowana). This is very important if the water around you outside the 6.5-7.5 pH range. Change the natural pH can be hard work and often inconvenient and uncomfortable in keeping aquariums. Coupled with the experiment many times for adjustments and often worsen conditions for your fish. The best way in the learning phase is to maintain appropriate water with the water around you.Choosing aquarium fish in accordance with
Piliha fish that correspond to each other and think long term. 1 inch fish sure looks cute in the store. But what you do when it grows to 15 cm and their habitats and food? Fish also require a certain minimum depends on the physical size and temperament. Select demanding fish fit your tank. Make sure your tank has adequate hiding places like rocks, plants, trees and so on in their habitat.Karatina your fish well before entering them into your tank
Never put water (from the store) to your tank. The water may contain disease. If possible, quarantine new purchases for 2-3 weeks before adding them to your aquarium.Do a water change
Replace a quarter of your tank water every week. Substitution of water serves two purposes: Dissolves and removes nitrate before multiplying to dangerous levels and add trace elements and buffers that have been used by bacteria, tananman and others. Substitution of water regularly helps ensure the water in the tank does not deviate significantly. The benefits are especially important is when there is a disease that attacks your tank, water turnover is one important step in tackling the disease. And a drastic change of water is not safe, unless the water has a chemical composition (pH, GH) are almost the same as the water in the aquarium.How much time and effort required in maintaining the fish tank?
For aquariums 10-20 gallons (38-75 liters) tank, once set up, expect to use about 30 minutes every two weeks to replace some of the water, cleaning and others. If this is too much trouble you then do not jump into this hobby. You will also spend a few minutes once or twice every day to feed your fish, turn off and turn on the lights and so forth. Warning: Many people spend more time just looking at the aquarium and its contents. Of course, that's the point.
Be prepared to use several hours researching the hobby before making your purchase. The longer you are researching before getting either way. Visit to several stores to get one seems reputable. Visit again several times. Buy some beginner books. Read this article several times.
Most people who are frustrated with the tank made a mistake that could have been avoided. One way to avoid mistakes is to learn the basics as the nitrogen cycle before entering the fish into the aquarium.
Remember: most aquarium problems easily prevented, but difficult to be tackled at once problematic.
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