Maintenance Tips and treat cats

If you are looking for a cat to be a suitable pet, you will probably encounter little difficulty making a choice (except perhaps if you really want to pick up stray cats from the street). Because there are now approximately 40 family cats and approximately 500 different types of cats. In general, cats are grouped into four main groups, long-haired cats, short haired cats, Siamese cats and short haired cats foreigners. The average long-haired cats such as Persian cats are more popular because of the beautiful fur. And there are currently three types of cat which is becoming a prima donna, namely Persian cats, Bengal cats, and Himalayan cats.
Male or female should we cultivate?
Whether you choose a foreign or local cats, the question that often arises is the selection of gender. For example, male cats rather spoiled but rather laze in a long time and tend to be easy to fight with other cats. Female cats rarely otherwise lazy spoiled though. (But if I prefer a male cat, because if the females must breed and take care of many cats that's not an easy thing)
Where and how to choose a good cat to be maintained?
A good cat to be maintained can be taken from anywhere. Usually people prefer to pick them off the streets. (The reason is because it is very easy and free) Or if you want a strange cat, you can get it at the pet store, shelter cat or breeding cat. Whatever your choice, make sure the cat is healthy. Setiasalah select an active cat, with eyes bright and shiny clean coat. And should choose a cat that is still less than one year old, because you will be easy to train and care for her
Whether you choose a foreign or local cats, the question that often arises is the selection of gender. For example, male cats rather spoiled but rather laze in a long time and tend to be easy to fight with other cats. Female cats rarely otherwise lazy spoiled though. (But if I prefer a male cat, because if the females must breed and take care of many cats that's not an easy thing)
Where and how to choose a good cat to be maintained?
A good cat to be maintained can be taken from anywhere. Usually people prefer to pick them off the streets. (The reason is because it is very easy and free) Or if you want a strange cat, you can get it at the pet store, shelter cat or breeding cat. Whatever your choice, make sure the cat is healthy. Setiasalah select an active cat, with eyes bright and shiny clean coat. And should choose a cat that is still less than one year old, because you will be easy to train and care for her
Understanding Needs cat food
In general we are familiar with the favorite foods of most cat-fish. And the kittens that do not have their mother in desperate need of milk, should be the selection of good food to make your cat became healthy and agile. Good food affect intelligence, character, and your cat's body shape. The better you take care of him with good food, then your cat will increasingly look better.
Intake of nutritious food and vitamins are very necessary given at your cat. For cat contest, the selection of good food makes cat hair will be more beautiful and look beautiful. You can make your own nutritious food composition for Si Manis, not too much difference to human needs. Or if you do not have time, it's been a lot of cat food sold in supermarkets or pet stores. You should consult a veterinarian if you have any doubts.
Intake of nutritious food and vitamins are very necessary given at your cat. For cat contest, the selection of good food makes cat hair will be more beautiful and look beautiful. You can make your own nutritious food composition for Si Manis, not too much difference to human needs. Or if you do not have time, it's been a lot of cat food sold in supermarkets or pet stores. You should consult a veterinarian if you have any doubts.
The Sweet require a separate set of cutlery, a place for food and another for water. Choose a container that is easily accessible to cats. Place the food must be clean and washed separately than your cutlery. Especially for a kitten to give milk in shallow containers such as bowls. The Sweet is also better left to eat in the corner by itself, far from where he defecate.
Bobo KucingSediakan basket basket or box of soft, slightly higher than the surface of the floor, in the light of a distant corner of the entry of air into your home. Shaped like a hive with fabric that will make The Sweet warm. The Sweet sleep almost 75% than life, so the bed should be comfortable to sleep on chairs or prevent your mattress.
Place defecate
The Sweet kucingSebaiknya toilet you should teach to throw dirt in place. For those of you who do not have a large yard, you can make it with a flat container. Fill the container with sand and give it a wide mat underneath. Clean the litter every day. You should also clean up around the place to defecate or carbolic spray freshener to eliminate germs.
Keep Your Treatment Against The Sweet!
Never hit The Sweet because this will cause stress in cats. If Si Manis do not obey your commands, splash a little water with a toy gun. The Sweet would not know where it came from the water and will not blame you with the punishment, so he will remain spoiled by you.
Do not threaten your cat!
Never held a real gun because it will cause stress on the cat!
Understanding the Health Needs Si Manis
The long-haired sweetie who need to be combed every day, this not only strengthens muscles but also helps prevent the feathers become matted and dull. The short-haired sweetie who also must be stroked with a damp hand to keep his fur to keep it clean.
The Sweet may have head lice if often seen scratching his body and biting himself. There are many treatments and products are easy to deal with this problem but if you are unsure, you can consult your vet. Do not forget to clean the bed and around his bed. Si Manis also taught to throw dirt in place.
TIPS: Mix 1 quart water and 1 tablespoon vinegar to remove lice Si Manis by bathing. Be careful in vinegar water to bathe a cat's eye should not be about you!
Si Manis also need a shower. Sometimes to this day I still pity to see a cat while bathed, like the sad and pitiful face. But it's all for the good of the cat. You can bathe him using warm water and a washcloth or hand towel with melapnya slowly on the fur.
Note also the cleanliness of eating utensils Si Manis clean by washing up, and throw away food that is not spent. Also for the cleanliness of the bed, and place defecate.
At the age of 6-12 weeks, Si Manis need an injection to prevent feline infectious enteritis and respiratory diseases. Annual vaccinations to ensure protection of Si Manis gets continuously.
cartoon cat injected
Ear disease
If The Sweet shook his head and scratching his ear, see if there are foreign objects. If he smells, or there is a small black beads, immediately consult a veterinarian.
Sore Mouth
Germs on the teeth can cause gum disease, ulceration and loose teeth. This will reduce the appetite Si Manis, or he is forced to chew on the side of his mouth just because of toothache. If this happens, Si Manis require dental care. To reduce pain, give her mouth with a saline solution.
Duration cat is more or less contain between 63 to 66 days.
How do you recognize a cat pregnant?
BuntingAnda cat will not know it quickly because the signs will only appear after about 3 weeks. In this period, you will find the nipple bigger cat and her appetite increased. In the fourth and fifth week, his stomach swell. At this time, The Sweet should be given additional food. Your cat will be much bigger belly in the sixth week, and her appetite will also increase. Foods that are easily digestible and nutritious should be given. Throughout the period containing sentiasa make sure your cat calm and ask him to do gymnastics with him playing.
Provide also a place of deliveries according to the seventh week. Place of delivery can be made from boxes or baskets and piles of old newspaper or a pile fabric that has been unused in a little warm in the house.
Recognizing the signs
A few days before delivery, the sound of your cat will change dramatically. The closer to the day of delivery, he will lose his appetite and busy napping to find a suitable place of birth. Delivery process does not require human assistance (especially midwives!); Unless seen something strange in the process of your cat pregnant, contact your veterinarian if you find something that does not understand. In time, the mother cat can give birth by themselves; gave birth to a kitten approximately every 5 minutes or more. (Most cats have some time, there is no definite time).
Mother Cat Operation Caesar
Mr Cat: Mother later if the child is born we have the name of what?
Mother Cat: Caesar aja, pa. Because it fits the birth of Caesar must be dissected.
Motherhood nature of your cat
The kitten will get spoiled and requires more attention as his age. His appetite is also increasing rapidly, and the mother cat may be experiencing stress breastfeeding. To maintain the health of your cat, give it four a nutritious meal a day, and clean water is enough during breastfeeding.
Bobo KucingSediakan basket basket or box of soft, slightly higher than the surface of the floor, in the light of a distant corner of the entry of air into your home. Shaped like a hive with fabric that will make The Sweet warm. The Sweet sleep almost 75% than life, so the bed should be comfortable to sleep on chairs or prevent your mattress.
Place defecate
The Sweet kucingSebaiknya toilet you should teach to throw dirt in place. For those of you who do not have a large yard, you can make it with a flat container. Fill the container with sand and give it a wide mat underneath. Clean the litter every day. You should also clean up around the place to defecate or carbolic spray freshener to eliminate germs.
Keep Your Treatment Against The Sweet!
Never hit The Sweet because this will cause stress in cats. If Si Manis do not obey your commands, splash a little water with a toy gun. The Sweet would not know where it came from the water and will not blame you with the punishment, so he will remain spoiled by you.
Do not threaten your cat!
Never held a real gun because it will cause stress on the cat!
Understanding the Health Needs Si Manis
The long-haired sweetie who need to be combed every day, this not only strengthens muscles but also helps prevent the feathers become matted and dull. The short-haired sweetie who also must be stroked with a damp hand to keep his fur to keep it clean.
The Sweet may have head lice if often seen scratching his body and biting himself. There are many treatments and products are easy to deal with this problem but if you are unsure, you can consult your vet. Do not forget to clean the bed and around his bed. Si Manis also taught to throw dirt in place.
TIPS: Mix 1 quart water and 1 tablespoon vinegar to remove lice Si Manis by bathing. Be careful in vinegar water to bathe a cat's eye should not be about you!
Si Manis also need a shower. Sometimes to this day I still pity to see a cat while bathed, like the sad and pitiful face. But it's all for the good of the cat. You can bathe him using warm water and a washcloth or hand towel with melapnya slowly on the fur.
Note also the cleanliness of eating utensils Si Manis clean by washing up, and throw away food that is not spent. Also for the cleanliness of the bed, and place defecate.
At the age of 6-12 weeks, Si Manis need an injection to prevent feline infectious enteritis and respiratory diseases. Annual vaccinations to ensure protection of Si Manis gets continuously.
cartoon cat injected
Ear disease
If The Sweet shook his head and scratching his ear, see if there are foreign objects. If he smells, or there is a small black beads, immediately consult a veterinarian.
Sore Mouth
Germs on the teeth can cause gum disease, ulceration and loose teeth. This will reduce the appetite Si Manis, or he is forced to chew on the side of his mouth just because of toothache. If this happens, Si Manis require dental care. To reduce pain, give her mouth with a saline solution.
Duration cat is more or less contain between 63 to 66 days.
How do you recognize a cat pregnant?
BuntingAnda cat will not know it quickly because the signs will only appear after about 3 weeks. In this period, you will find the nipple bigger cat and her appetite increased. In the fourth and fifth week, his stomach swell. At this time, The Sweet should be given additional food. Your cat will be much bigger belly in the sixth week, and her appetite will also increase. Foods that are easily digestible and nutritious should be given. Throughout the period containing sentiasa make sure your cat calm and ask him to do gymnastics with him playing.
Provide also a place of deliveries according to the seventh week. Place of delivery can be made from boxes or baskets and piles of old newspaper or a pile fabric that has been unused in a little warm in the house.
Recognizing the signs
A few days before delivery, the sound of your cat will change dramatically. The closer to the day of delivery, he will lose his appetite and busy napping to find a suitable place of birth. Delivery process does not require human assistance (especially midwives!); Unless seen something strange in the process of your cat pregnant, contact your veterinarian if you find something that does not understand. In time, the mother cat can give birth by themselves; gave birth to a kitten approximately every 5 minutes or more. (Most cats have some time, there is no definite time).
Mother Cat Operation Caesar
Mr Cat: Mother later if the child is born we have the name of what?
Mother Cat: Caesar aja, pa. Because it fits the birth of Caesar must be dissected.
Motherhood nature of your cat
The kitten will get spoiled and requires more attention as his age. His appetite is also increasing rapidly, and the mother cat may be experiencing stress breastfeeding. To maintain the health of your cat, give it four a nutritious meal a day, and clean water is enough during breastfeeding.
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